Buy FAQs
If your question isn't answered here, for friendly support please contact
Before purchase
What do I buy?
What you buy is an unlock key to unlock the software. It is sent to you by e-mail straight away. It is also shown on the confirmation page in your browser.
The key unlocks the program on any computer you use. It unlocks all future versions of the software as well. Unlocking the software is easy to do, and you get instructions in your confirmation e-mail.
Many programs are sold like that these days. It saves the cost of packaging and is also more eco friendly. Also you get the software instantly, no need to wait for it to arrive by post. All you have to do is to download the software, enter your unlock key, and you are ready to go.
What are the different versions I can buy?
$9.99 Basic Suitable for beginner musicians or if you don't need the advanced features and rhythms. You get: the Gravity Bounce Conductor, all time signatures (including odd) with subdivisions, and some of the other features including accent or skip beats, and the basic version for gradually changing tempo.
$29.99 Pro Best choice for most musicians. Includes everything in Bounce Metronome Pro - all the bounce metronomes and pro features and including swing, polyrhythms, mixed meters, harmonic metronomes and so on.
$59.99 Complete - This is likely to interest you if you do microtonal composition or performance, have a keen interest in the tunings of world music, historical temperaments, or are interested in the harmonious Lambdoma matrix. You get all the features of the Pro license, and you also get Tune Smithy - complete, all tasks unlocked. If you are interested in Tune Smithy you are recommended to take it for a test drive first. see Tune Smithy Bonus Features
Institutional / multi-user license - for schools or colleges or other organisations and companies. Price depends on the size of the instituion, and with 50% off for educational institutions. See Discount Coupons for Institutions and Multi-User
You can test it for yourself to see what you get for each version
You can also see for yourself what you get in the Basic and Pro metronomes, just take the program for a test drive. You can choose the free taster, or basic view from the drop list in the main window, and see what you get for each one.
Any of the other views (swing, polyrhythms, drum & dance etc) require the Pro unlock key.
Tune Smithy Bonus Features
The basic key also unlocks some features of Tune Smithy such as its Chord Progression player and midi file retuning.
The pro key also unlocks the Tune Smithy fractal tunes - your own royalty free fractal music
For full details of what the various unlock keys will get you in Tune Smithy see Tune Smithy Bonus Features
Can I take it for a longer test drive first?
Yes indeed. I'm happy for you to take as long as you need to evaluate it properly or to check out a new feature. If the test drive isn't long enough, contact me and I'll do you a new one for another 30 days (and can easily do more test drives too if you require a longer time to evaluate it).
Please don't be shy - if you need to test it some more just ask for a new test drive and I'll do one for you. I quite understand as I sometimes require a long time to evaluate programs myself too.
Automatic test drives for new version numbers
You also get a new test drive occasionally when the program version number gets updated. That's so you can try out all the new features and interface improvements.
The purchasing process
Where can I buy it?
To buy this metronome straight away go here: Bounce Metronome order page
Or use the Buy buttons in the right panel of every page on this site.
Are there any other ways of buying it?
Yes, there are many ways to buy the software. You can use your credit card, or PayPal. Or you can pay by check, or money order. All of these options are available if you follow through the Bounce Metronome order process.
Streamlined purchase process for PayPal
For paypal account holders, then you might prefer the Paypal Order Page . It's the quickest way to buy it if you are a PayPal account holder, as you can skip the step where you need to enter your details - PayPal has them already, so you can buy it in just a few clicks on the buttons.
Cheque in GB Pounds, and other options
I also accept cheques mailed to me personally if made out in GB pounds - occasionally useful for UK citizens. Be sure to e-mail me about it first for more information, if that is your preferred method or payment.
If none of those options work for you, just contact me and I'll see if there is any other arrangement that can be made.
I am in the EU. Do your prices include VAT?
No, they don't.
I'm afraid that software is VAT-rated and you will have to pay the current VAT rate in your country, which is added to the price of the software at the checkout.
Can I get it on CD?
Yes, you can. Though MOST USERS DON'T NEED THIS. If you have internet access, the simplest way is to download the program from the download page. Nowadays it is easy to transfer the installer from any internet capable computer using a USB stick.
To get it on CD, just buy it through the Bounce Metronome Order Page, and select the appropriate CD option.
Also sometimes the CD lags behind the release. To make sure you get the latest version, send me an e-mail and I'll update it specially if necessary and let you know when the CD is up to date.
Or do you want the CD to take it as a test drive?
You can order the CD on its own using PayPal.
You will need an unlock key to unlock the program on the CD. You can use the evaluation software for 30 days without an unlock key.
What's on the CD
It contains everything from the Download page, and the Extra Downloads. Since your keys also unlock features of Tune Smithy, it also includes the latest Tune Smithy download as well.
Then it also has the latest version of the What's New and the Bug Fixes page for the date the CD was made.
I have purchased Bounce Metronome before. Can I update to a new order type, such as from Basic to Pro, or Pro to Complete?
You can upgrade from Pro to Complete, (to fully unlock Tune Smithy as well). To do that visit the Upgrade Pro to Complete order page.
However, I don't offer any special upgrade from Basic to Pro. That's because the price of the Basic license is only a small fraction of the Pro license. So, you just need to buy a new Pro license to upgrade.
Are there any discounts?
Yes, there are discounts for educational, under 18, retired, unemployed, and if you have a low income.
You can get this discount if your wage means that buying Bounce Metronome would not be easy for you. All that matters is what your equivalent income is when converted to US dollars.
To get your discount go to the Bounce Metronome Discounts page.
Guarantees and security
What is the Money Back Guarantee?
Buy with confidence
If you change your mind after the purchase within 60 days, return your unlock key for your money back, guaranteed.
No explanations required - if you want a refund, you will get it, as simple as that.
Money back claims are handled individually - please be patient
At most times of the year you can expect to receive your refund within a few days of your e-mail. Sometimes it may take a bit longer.
To find out more, see Money Back Guarantee
Is it a secure order?
Yes it is. All personal information you submit is encrypted and secure.
The order is processed by my e-commerce partners who have specialised in providing this service for shareware authors.
I never see your credit card details myself. I just get notification that you have bought Bounce Metronome, together with details of the order type etc.
What is your privacy policy?
We value the trust you place in us (Robert Inventor). The information you provide is used only to help you and is never shared with other parties except when needed to assist you.
Learn in detail how we use and protect your personal information.
Unlocking Bounce Metronome
How do I unlock the program?
You will receive an unlock key code instantly when you complete the order. This is valid for all future releases of Bounce Metronome. The unlock key will come with instructions on how to use it.
Basically you enter it into the unlock window from Help » Unlock. If you have already downloaded the program, there is no need to download a new version. You just unlock the download to convert it into the fully featured program.
Can I use my unlock key on other computers?
Yes - you can use it on other computers. The key is linked to your name and is for your own use only. But it isn't linked to your computer, it is NOT hardware-locked. See my blog entry Hardware Locking - a New Trend for the reasons. So for instance you can take your unlock key with you and use it on any computer you use when you travel or visit friends and relatives.
When finished using the software on someone else's computer, you need to remove the unlock key (from Help » Show Unlock Code » Delete Unlock Key) or uninstall the program + its unlock key (from Help » About » Uninstall) when you leave.
Can I install it on a USB drive?
Yes, just choose the drive when you install the program. When installed on a drive other than drive C then your unlock key will be hidden from the computer it runs on.
So you don't need to worry about lost keys. Also you don't need to install it on the computer you run it on either - just on the USB drive - so this is a clean way to use it on someone else's computer.
To run Bounce Metronome from your USB drive on another computer - plug in your drive and search the drive for "Bounce Metronome.exe" to find the program. You can then just run this program straight off the USB drive.
Quick way to make desktop shortcuts to your copy of Bounce Metronome on your USB drive
Bounce Metronome also comes with a couple of optional tools you can use to make it easier to find on a USB drive. They add or remove the Bounce Metronome desktop shortcuts. You need to create these tools after you install Bounce Metronome on your USB drive - start Bounce Metronome up (on any computer) and go to Opts » Options » Make Memory Stick Batch Files.
You will then find a couple of files in the root of your USB drive which you can run on any computer you wish to run the program on. They don't do anything else to the computer, just add or remove the shortcuts.
What if I leave my unlock key behind on a public computer or similar?
If you do leave your unlock key on a computer then let me know.
I will issue you with a new key and will mark your old key as missing for future uploads of the program.
Does the unlock key apply for all future versions of Bounce Metronome?
Yes it does. You will never need to pay to update to the latest version of Bounce Metronome.
Can you give me a free unlock key for your software?
I can provide free keys for:
- Collaborators working on the project with me.
- Reviewers or blog authors who want to do reviews of the software.
If you are a reviewer, contact me to ask for an unlock key to review the product.
For anyone else, if it is not a really easy purchase for you already, then you can get generous discounts, up to 95% off - see the Bounce Metronome Discounts page. Since it's "Trust the Shopper" you get the unlock key instantly just as you do when you buy it for the full price.
Has the software been cracked? I saw some sites offering free unlock keys.
As far as I know there are no genuine cracks available for this product. It is well protected using a high quality software protection system.
The few sites you may be able to find in the search results are probably phishing sites. So - make sure you are well protected! To find out more - see Bounce Metronome Pro Discounts - from Software Author.
Support after purchase
What support can I expect when I buy Bounce Metronome?
Help within the program itself
Whenever you change to a new window within the program or want to use a control, you can find help for it right there within the program.
The help appears in the form of a summary tool tip when you hover the mouse over a control or over the title bar of any window. Then simultaneously in the help window you can see extensive help, tips, suggestions etc. for that particular control or window
Tutorials, FAQ, background information
There's also an overview page with general help, and help to get started. Also there's the searchable online Bounce Metronome Wiki Help where you can find answers to FAQ, tutorials, background help and information.
Online support
The Support page contains all the details of the available support, plus a contact form to fill in if you have any immediate questions, or e-mail at any time.
Does the program come with printed documentation?
No there is no printed documentation. This would add to the cost. It is also more eco - friendly to provide the help electronically.
However, if you do have any questions not covered in the help, or wiki, or forums - or just because you need a bit more support - please either post to the forums - or contact me directly for friendly assistance at any time, contact:
Can I put the test drive version on a cover disk or similar?
Yes you can supply the evaluation version on a cover disk of a magazine. Or you can put it onto CDs to send to anyone you please e.g. if you want to add it to a CD with other programs on it or music.
Indeed you can distribute the evaluation version in any way you like. Though if your recipient is on-line often the best way to share the program is to just send them a link to This will make sure that they have the latest version of the software.
Can I charge for copies of the evaluation software?
Yes, you can charge a reasonable fee for copying and CD making.
You must make it clear what the charges are for and that it is an evaluation version which is also freely available for download. Just make sure you don't represent the evaluation version as something that requires payment to get.
Can I supply unlock keys with the evaluation version?
If you want to supply unlock keys as well, or special discounts or coupons, contact me to make arrangements. In the case of cover disks of magazines it is usual for software authors to provide free cut-down versions or special discounts.
If you wish to do this, just contact me and I can discuss the details of what we can do and what can be offered on a cover CD.
Any questions?
Any questions at all about any of this, just contact me. I'm sure we can sort something out. E-mail